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Definition of get
(Entry 1 of 3)
1a : to gain possession of got a new bicycle
b : to receive as a return : earn he got a bad reputation for carelessness
2a : to obtain by concession or entreaty get your mother's permission to go
b : to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) : catch got measles from his sister
3a : to seek out and obtain hoped to get dinner at the inn
b : to obtain and bring where wanted or needed get a pencil from the desk
4 : beget
5a : to cause to come or go quickly got his luggage through customs
b : to cause to move get it out of the house
c : to cause to be in a certain position or condition got his feet wet
d : to make ready : prepare get breakfast
6a : to be subjected to got a bad fall
b : to receive by way of punishment
c : to suffer a specified injury to got my nose broken
7a : to achieve as a result of military activity
b : to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage he got little for his trouble get the better of an enemy
8a : seize The dog got the thief by the leg.
b : overcome Such practices will surely get you in the end.
c : to have an emotional effect on the final scene always gets me
d : irritate the delays were starting to get her
e : puzzle This problem really gets me.
g : hit
9 : to prevail on : cause finally got them to tidy up their room
10a : have —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaningI've got no money
b : to have as an obligation or necessity —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaningyou have got to come
11a : to find out by calculation get the answer to a problem
b : memorize got the verse by heart
c : hear Sorry, but I didn't get your name.
d : understand he got the joke
12 : to establish communication with
13 : to put out in baseball
14 : deliver sense 6b the car gets 20 miles to the gallon
1a : to succeed in coming or going : to bring or move oneself get away to the country got into the car
b : to reach or enter into a certain condition got to sleep after midnight
c : to make progress hasn't gotten far with the essay
2 : to acquire wealth
3a : to be able never got to go to college
b : to come to be —often used with following present participlegot talking about old times
4a : to succeed in becoming : become how to get clear of all the debts I owe— William Shakespeare
b : to become involved people who get into trouble with the law
5 : to leave immediately told them to get
—used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliarythey got caught in the act
get after get ahead get a life get a move on get at get away with get cracking get even get even with get going get into get it get it on get on get one's act together get one's goat get over get real get religion get somewhere get there get through get to get together get wind of get with it
: to pursue with exhortation, reprimand, or attack The coach really got after the players at halftime.
: to achieve success determined to get ahead in life
: to stop wasting time on trivial or hopeless matters
: hurry
1 : to reach effectively The valve is hard to get at unless you have a special tool.
2 : to influence corruptly : bribe
3 : to turn one's attention to The committee finally got at the main issue.
4 : to try to prove or make clear I don't understand what he's getting at.
: to avoid criticism or punishment for or the consequences of (such as a reprehensible act)
: to make a start : get going ought to get cracking on that assignment
: to get revenge
: to repay in kind
: to make a start time to get going on that assignment
: to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in got into gymnastics at an early age
: to receive a scolding or punishment
1 : to become enthusiastic, energetic, or excited
2 : to engage in sexual intercourse
1 : to produce an unfortunate effect on : upset the noise got on my nerves
2 : to criticize insistently the fans got on him for losing the game
1 : to put one's life, thoughts, or emotions in order : cease to be confused or misdirected
2 : to begin to function in a skillful or efficient manner the company finally got its act together
: to make one angry or annoyed
b : to recover from still trying to get over a bad cold
c : to reconcile oneself to : become accustomed to was very disappointed, but he'll get over it
2 : to move or travel across
: to stop deceiving oneself or fooling around : face reality
1 : to undergo religious conversion
2 : to turn to or adopt an enlightened course of action or point of view
: to be successful After a difficult start we're finally getting somewhere.
: to be successful
: to reach the end of : complete got through the ordeal unhurt
1a : begin gets to worrying over nothing at all
b : to be ready to begin or deal with I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can
1 : to bring together : accumulate
3 : to reach agreement were unable to get together on the new contract
: to become aware of got wind of our plans for the party
: to become alert or aware : show sophisticated consciousness
noun (1)Definition of get (Entry 2 of 3)
noun (2)Definition of get (Entry 3 of 3)
1 : a document of release from obligation in Jewish law specifically : a bill of divorce
2 : a religious divorce by Jewish law
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The first known use of get was in the 13th century
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